A realization. A beginning. A universal and raw human experience.

It's the hairline fracture that crawls its way into that structure we call our identity. Our self concept.

What we thought we knew of ourselves becomes a little less clear. The world becomes a whole lot bigger and our place in it becomes quite a bit smaller.

The question is simple: do you believe there is a better you on the other side of the river? And if so, are you willing to confront your own self to meet them? HZG promises to guide individuals through this process of exploration, introspection, and growth.

You know you don’t know.

  • While we are not robotic, we can approach our lives with systems and models to shape our decision-making. Things don’t just happen—desired outputs require dedicated inputs.

  • There is no strong force without calm restraint; no raging fire without gentle compassion. We strike while the iron is hot, but the metal won’t settle without the cool breeze that follows.

  • Always prioritize quality over quantity. Work on the fundamentals. Treat the Practice with respect.

  • Being intentional requires a level of “leaning in” right where you are standing. Once you make that decision, follow through. Forego the out route.

  • What are you doing when no one is looking?